Living in His Presence
second 40 day fast
Join with us daily as we enter into the Inner Courts and come together in Unity and Oneness. March 1st - April 9th, 2020
When in the history of mankind, has the Lord stopped all the activities of the whole World? Why is He allowing this now? What are you personally doing with the time the Lord has given you?
Do you seek Him diligently every morning? Do you pray with fervency every day? Do you worship Him for who He is? Many of you are saying, no, because I cannot gather with others and go to church to do these things. But don’t you see, God is doing a new thing – He is individually asking us to RETURN to Him and to seek Him personally for ourselves, and not through the voice of our shepherds only. The darkness is groping at us to dull our minds with other things that we are choosing to do in order to cope with the changes in our lives. Do not be fooled, we are playing the harlot and defiling our hearts. Please READ and STUDY today Jeremiah 3:6-25. Spend Precious Prioritized time with God asking Him to reveal the areas of disobedience that are in your lives. He is sending out an invitation, calling us into obedience, asking us to return to Him. Will we spend the time with him individually?
1 Comment
3/29/2020 03:50:03 pm
“The Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands. . . What house will you build for Me? . . .a place of rest.”
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First Forty Day Fast 2020 - Psalm 119
Second Forty Day Fast 2020