Forty Day Fast
This is our interactive blog for us to stay connected corporately during our 40 Day Fast.
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January 22
(93) I will never forget Your precepts, For by them You have given me life. (94) I am Yours, save me; For I have sought Your precepts. (95) The wicked wait for me to destroy me, But I will consider Your testimonies. (96) I have seen the consummation of all perfection, But Your commandment is exceedingly broad. Enero 22 Salmo 119:93-96 “Nunca jamás me olvidaré de tus mandamientos, Porque con ellos me has vivificado. Tuyo soy yo, sálvame, Porque he buscado tus mandamientos. Los impíos me han aguardado para destruirme; Mas yo consideraré tus testimonios. A toda perfección he visto fin; Amplio sobremanera es tu mandamiento”
1/22/2020 07:54:06 am
The Hebrew word OLAM, that contains the letter LAMED, is used twice in verses 89-96. First it is used to declare that God’s Word is FOREVER – for all eternity. Then the writer is stating that he will NEVER FORGET FOR ALL ETERNITY God’s Precepts. Olam is the word for ETERNITY. I again think of the LAMED that resembles a Lighthouse. Even though we know it will not stand for eternity, it will stand for many generations to see its light. It will be a constant in our lives, just like God’s Word and His Precepts. Comments are closed.
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