Forty Day Fast
This is our interactive blog for us to stay connected corporately during our 40 Day Fast.
To begin, click below for your blog instructions.
To begin, click below for your blog instructions.
To begin this fast we recommend you start by reading:
Our Fast will journey through Psalm 119 in sections. Each day we will post a blog of that days Scripture reading. Please take the time to read, digest and allow God to speak to you. As we move through this scripture corporately please stay within the allotted Scripture for each day. ***We welcome your comments on each days blog and to share what the Lord is speaking to you. ![]() STAY WITHIN THESE BOUNDARIES 12/31/19 Stay within these boundaries; I have put a banner over thee and that banner says that you will be holy, as I am Holy. Stay within these boundaries, you see; Don't go outside these boundaries of Me; Remain and abide, do not subside; Do not go the other way; Know that I have called you this day; Stay within these boundaries, you see and you will always know that it is Me; You will not question Me, because you know that you are inside of Me; Stay within these boundaries, you see Stay! VISION There are four tall pillars set up in a square. There are banners, curved like a ribbon from one pillar to another. They say Holy, Love, Peace & Joy. There is a tree underneath the banner, like a cross that is Holy. These pillars and banners are open, not closed in. God was saying, "Do not go outside these boundaries. If you go outside, know these four pillars are protecting you." This is who you need to be. Every one of those banners represent suffering. You have to stay within these pillars to produce the fruit of these banners Holiness, Peace, Joy and Love will come out of suffering. It is a sacrifice to be in this place. Jesus suffered for Peace, Joy, Love and Holiness on the tree. You too will suffer, don't try to get away from suffering. INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL AYUNO CORPORAL
Para comenzar el ayuno recomendamos leer:
Nuestro ayuno seguirá el camino del Salmo 119 en secciones. Cada día pondremos un blog de la Escritura que corresponda leer. Por favor tome el tiempo necesario para leer, digerir y permitirle a Dios que le hable. Mientras caminamos por ésta Escritura corporalmente. Manténgase en la Escritura dada para cada día. ***Son bienvenidos los comentarios en el blog diario para compartir lo que El Señor le está hablando. MANTENGASE EN ESTOS LIMITES 12/31/2019 Manténgase en éstos límites; He puesto un estandarte sobre tí y ese estandarte dice que eres santo, como Yo soy Santo. Mantente en éstos límites, no salgas de Mis límites, Mantente y habita, no te hundas; no vayas por otro camino; Reconoce que te he llamado en éste día; Mantente en éstos límites y siempre sabrás que soy Yo; No me preguntarás, porque sabrás que estás dentro de Mi; Mantente dentro de éstos límites, Mantente! VISION Hay cuatro pilares en una plaza, hay estandartes, que van de un pilar a otro como cintas curvadas. Dicen Santo, Amor, Paz y Gozo. Hay un madero debajo del estandarte, como una cruz que es Santa. Estos pilares y estandartes están abiertos, no encerrados. Dios dice, “No salgas de éstos límites, si sales, sabe que éstos cuatro pilares te protegen”. Este es quien tu necesitas ser. Cada uno de estos estandartes representan sufrimiento. Tu necesitas mantenerte dentro de éstos pilares para producir el fruto de los estandartes, Santidad, Paz, Gozo y Amor saldrán del sufrimiento. Es un sacrificio estar en éste lugar. Jesús sufrió por Paz, Gozo, Amor y Santidad en el madero. Tu también sufrirás, no trates de escaper del sufrimiento. 1/7/2020 03:18:43 pm
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