Preparation for Fast - Isaiah 58
We must fast with purpose, knowing why we are fasting. Fasting without prayer and purpose is a diet not, not a fast. It will only produce fleshly results, not spiritual results. We must come to a place of repentance. Unconfessed sin will hinder your prayers. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything in your heart that is not pleasing to God and claim the promise of I John 1:9 Confess your sins . . . Let Him deal with the strongholds of our lives, such as addictions of all kinds, anger, unforgiveness, pride, etc. Prepare yourself spiritually by spending time in prayer asking Him how He wants us to fast. Our time with Him is personal. If you have never fasted before, the Holy Spirit will be gentle in leading you into this season of fasting. Prepare your physical body. If you plan to go without food start cutting back slowly. Eat smaller meals before abstaining altogether. This sends your mind a signal that you have entered the time of the fast and it helps to shrink your stomach and appetite. Suggestion is to eat raw food (live foods) for a couple of days before starting a fast. You must give up the sugars, junk foods, caffeine, salty foods, fried foods, a lot of starches, like pasta, rice and potato’s, soda’s and drinks that have a lot of acid in them. Like some orange or grapefruit juices. Visit the 40 Day Fast page for more instructions and resources.
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