Monday, Nov. 2nd Pray for Peace during Elections Psalm 119:165
Good morning Father, we pray today for Washington D.C. The U.S. Constitution provided for a federal district, under the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress, and the district is therefore not a part of any U.S. state. So we pray today for a city that houses the federal branches of government that help rule our country We began, with sincerity, to pray for wisdom for our nation's capital. The thought was to keep this city independent that as it ruled it would not favor any state but always be neutral to all states. Father, from this city, our nation is ruled and decisions are made that not only impact a nation but impact the world. We pray for guidance in decision making and guidance to learn to govern such a great people. We pray the prayer of Solomon, that wisdom could be granted, not riches, not gold and silver, but wisdom to guide this nation back on track. As we stand on the eve of one of the most expensive and highly contested elections to decide the path forward, let us be reminded as a people that there is only one in charge. One who paid the price, to rightfully lead, guide and direct all nations. We were created to have an ability to reach the lost in places unseen and unheard. To this day, You have kept your covenant agreement but now is the time for us to stand up and keep our part of the covenant. Father, we repent for not following the wisdom given to us and rather than celebrating and enjoying the peace of a free nation, we stand here today bracing ourselves for uprisings and anarchy in the streets of America. Father, we pray Your hands of intervention this day, not driven by the minds of those who lack direction, but those who will rise up at such a time as this to lead us into peace. We welcome the Mordecai of our times, to lead the Esther's of this generation, to avoid the purging of needless deaths and destruction of property and land that You gave to us. I pray this day, not only for a nation, but a people who compose the ability to work together as a free people. That we can have a capitalist society with a democratic form of government. That we live together in peace and harmony. That we walk in unity and love one for another. To live up to the following words. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Father, remind us that a covenant is only as good as those who have established and upheld the things we believe. Let there be a perfect union and until that time let us remember that we, "know in part we prophesied in part and that one day we will give way to that which is complete," 1Co 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. Today we pray as a nation to get us back on course, let us return to the place where You have shown the world Your directions for this nation. Let it begin in Washington DC because to change a people, you must change its rulers to honor covenant, to speak truth and to take care of the orphans and widows. Let America get back on the course and let her direction be true. Let the nations that watch, have an expectation, as we have with Your return, that a new America once known as The New World can, once again, lead in the spread of the Gospel to all nations. Father, thank You for those who reminded me that we were not through praying for all of America, that no part would be left uncovered that now truly we have prayed for all our lands including the Territories that are not yet states but fall under this governmental umbrella. We seal the prayers for our nation, humbly reminded of the cost for freedom lies not in the mind but in the heart and there has to be a willingness to die for that which is established by a living God. Today we say as a people NEVERTHELESS, NOT OUR WILL BUT YOUR WILL BE DONE. In the name of the Living Saviour Jesus we pray...amen amen
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