Thursday, Oct. 29th Pray for Pastors and Leaders Ephesians 4:12-13, Acts 20:28
Good morning Father, it's truly the beginning of a new season here. Today we pray for and celebrate Washington state. From the top of Mount Rainier to the Shores of Spokane, we come in one accord today to pray for this state. Like Mount St Helen, let there be an eruption that spills over into the rest of the nation. Father let there be found in this state an active altar that, when it erupts, prayers would go up, spilling into the heavens the heart of Your people. Let the eruptions cause the flow of life changing lava that consumes everything in it path. Let it begin to tear down the walks that have been built in our lives and bring in new life. Like the change of seasons, let those prayers for our nation begin to bring new life with an anticipation of each changing season. Father, we pray that the leaders would be awakened to the rumblings of change, both in the hearts of the people and the nation as a whole. Let the cry bring forth a need for Jesus to be the center of our lives. As we pray this morning for the justices, the senators, the congressmen and women, the governor's and the elected city officials, let there be a sense of change that rocks everything we know and tear down the false altars of our hearts. Let the mountains sing a melody of submission that would show Your people the rumbling heard in the mountains is, once again, a God calling for the attention of His people. Father, let America be like Moses and began to heed the call and begin to seek You out. Today, we celebrate the diversity in this state and as the crops of apples that grow, show the sweetness of the land and let us also began to appreciate the sweetness You bring into our lives. Let the tragedy of our past not remove the hope of the beauty of our future. You said Father, that You would give us beauty for ashes. So in this state, that has experienced the natural ashes of a live active volcano, let it be in the lives of Your children, that the ashes that we have experienced in our past would give way to a better future. The clouds of hatred and despair in this country would give way to joy and love. Father, though we have faith to move the mountains in our life and have not loved what does it profit us, we pray this morning for a country that is so shaken by its past, to let the winds of change bring peace to America. Let the winds of the Holy Spirit blow across every mountain and every valley in our nation. Let the peaks of our lives praise You, let the valleys worship You, let the rivers of tears we shed honor You. Let the heart of change that once occupied every fiber of our being, once again, show forth the change You have purposed in the lives of those who are called to be Your children. Father, as we close today even for a state that has the same name as our capital, let us discern and differentiate when we are in two different places. Let there be an awareness when You bring us to a new place and that we don't apply old methods to a new beginning. Thank you Lord for tearing down the walls in our lives because You deserve the honor and the glory. So today we lift up holy hands and magnify Your name. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we pray...amen
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