Saturday, Oct. 24th: Pray for those that are Single Psalm 32:8
Good morning Father. Today we pray for the great state of Tennessee. Based on Central Church evaluation, this is God's country. Tennessee is unique as it is the only state that has border with eight other states. So we begin our prayer there, that in as much as it touches more states than any other state that its influence of touching others would move from the natural to a spiritual one. Let the church leaders of this state build an altar to God that would unify and touch the lives of others. Let the government officials have a burning desire to return to a place where the God of the mountains truly is the voice of Tennessee. From the heart of the Smoky Mountains, let a resounding sound be given to the rest of the American states that God is calling us back to him. Father, let the land that produces sounds of music both rock and roll and country become a hub for worship to a living God. Father, clear a path and a direction for those of the next generation, that they would have clear vision and a mind to fulfill Your purpose. Let the inheritance we leave be one that is treasured and not one that can be laid waste. We pray this morning, as we join in one accord, to bring this country, once again to a moral relationship that demands truth, honesty and trust. Father, as we have not to trusted one another, this lack of trust also appears in our spiritual lives and we lose the trust we have in You. Help us Father return to our first love and let our attention turn, once again, to You so that trust can be restored. Let us consider Your ways as we build our kingdoms on earth. You warned us that we would work and not have enough built and not be warm but you also said in Haggai 1:8, "Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, says the LORD." Let us build a house to You as we consider the land of Tennessee with its many trees. Let the house not be built with wood or stubble but let us build a house for You to dwell in, not made with human hands but one that Your Spirit dwells in. Father, we are so forgetful and so self centered that we forget that You are our supply. Father, we recognize You have the whole world in Your hands and nothing You desire can be withheld from You. As we close this prayer today, Father, we submit our hearts to You, that America can once again rise to great heights and surpass everything we have done in the past when we turn to You with our whole heart. Father, You have done it before, so our cry this morning is to do it again. Let revival come to our country, do it again. Let Hope come to our country, do it again. Let unity and peace come to our country, do it again in the name of Jesus do it again...amen
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