Sunday, Oct. 4th: Pray for Media Proverbs 2:20-21
Good morning Lord, Happy Resurrection Day. Forgive us when we focus on things other than You. We pray for Michigan today, for all the success and innovation of this state. We pray for the state and federal leaders. Unity that helped make our forefathers suffer through the storms to make this a great state, we pray the same consistent nature in each of those who occupy Michigan today. We pray that revival can hit the land and the hearts of the people. Stir up in us a clean heart. Father we pray as this nation faces one of the greatest trials that has faced us, let us with a heart of forgiveness and love come before Your throne. The enemy we fight is not an outward enemy but one from within. Our founding fathers spoke of the things that would tear us apart, that would not be external to our borders but would come from within our borders. Forgive us for not heeding the warnings of Your word and the words of wisdom that were left by our founders. Teach us Holy Spirit how to once again hear the voice of the Father, how to hear the voice of Jesus and then respond to the call. Let a call go out from the heart of Motor City to the banks of The Great Lakes. Let that call stir a nation that is complacent to respond to a loving Father who has set aside and presented to His offspring the opportunity to work together, to live together, to rejoice together and to cry together. Just as the cry for independence stirred against England, now let the cry for independence, the cry out for peace be within our own borders. We fought a civil war that divided us and caused us to kill our own brothers, that caused families to fight against one another, that threatened to break what was the United States into two separate nations. We know it is not Your heart for us to be divided but Your heart is for us to walk in one accord. Thank you again for healing us then and we believe, if you did it before, you can and will do it again. We cry out this morning Lord Do It Again. For Your children called by Your name, we cry out for love; we cry out for peace; we cry out for joy. We cry out for the widow; we cry out for the unborn; we cry out for the homeless; we cry out for the rich; we cry out for a nation divided. Father, we cry out and cry out not in despair but in Hope that You again will respond. DO IT AGAIN, OH GOD, AS WE CRY OUT IN ONE ACCORD. In the mighty saving cleansing strengthening blood of Jesus we pray... amen
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