Saturday, Oct. 3rd: Pray for our Health Care System Philippians 4:13
Good morning Father, it's great to be alive and ready to be in Your service. Today we pray for Massachusetts, the state that helped lead the rebellion into freedom; the great Boston Tea Party that stood against injustice in which their motto was, no taxation without representation. We cry similarly today, we want representation but not in the heart of men but against the injustice and bonds of the true enemy. Today we cry as our forefathers did against injustice that puts Your people in bondage to drugs, pornography, to alcohol and other items that cause us to serve the enemy. You freed this nation to have a heart for the underprivileged and to have freedom. I pray You restore to this state the same heart that stirred during that time. The leaders can again take the place as they once did to be about the Father's business against injustice and fight for fairness. The governor and state representatives along with city and local officials could join in unity to stand against the things which are not fair. I pray for a spirit of change throughout so that we can complete the mission we have begun in this country. That we can be inspired once again by the word of God to live in peace with one another and willing to die for the things not right. A true spirit of love for our neighbors. The church leaders to have the heart of unity and the congregants a desire to think of others before themselves. Father I pray we can truly learn to set aside our differences in the church to learn to live, first in unity with in the body of Christ and then spreading Your love to those who don't know you. Give us the Spirit of Jesus to go to the Samaritans and those who are not like us but have lost their way and return the hope of a coming Messiah. Enlighten our hearts once again to the message of the cross. Thank you this morning for that message and the reminder you will not forsaken or leave us. We look forward to your return where we will be caught up in your Glory. In the mighty name of Jesus...amen
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