What happened between the Burial and Resurrection?!! GLORY!
“Faith is not threatened by funerals. Most of us will not see the resurrection of our dreams within three days. In fact, some of our dreams are SOWN for future GENERATIONS (and Nations) to reap! Even then, obedience is never a waste; it is an investment in a future we cannot see. When we invest with God in prayer— even in much weeping— our prayers and hope is not lost: they are PLANTED! Jn 12.24 What grows in the painful planting is God’s business. “ (From a book, 40 Days of Decrease) 👑O Beloved, “Hallow My Gates” this day with Worship, not wrestle, and I, the King of GLORY will enter! I am mighty in battle! Hallowing allows the LORD of HOSTS to come in!! Declaring WHO I AM at the Gates is as simple as listening to My Whispers, or walking in your Robe, or petitioning at the Walls alone!! I hear your Song of Praise-for the nations! And I have captured every tear for that loved one! I SEE PROMISE!! I bore Promise! I HOLD Promise in the palm of My Hand! Promise is triumphant from Cross, to Tomb, to the dark three days before Resurrection’s GLORY! Do not dance between enemy’s camps of Discouragement or Dismay, but hallow, hallow, hallow the Gates with the Garden fragrance of Worthy’s worship! This Aroma sabotages the “schemes and roars” of the enemy. 👑So Dearly Loved and Precious, Treasured and Beautiful—HALLOW My Gates this day with the COLORS of My Banners! REST in your declarations. REST in your standing. REST in obedience. REST in the fact I ever live to make intercession for you! REST in confidence! REST in Hope! REST IN My Promises! REST in My JOY that is unspeakable and full of GLORY!! REST, even in what looks like death— for the Harvest is for nations and generations with dimensions unseen and untold! Hold My Banners high at the Hallowed Gates and “lead from behind” what I have prophesied to you in secret! I have CHARGED you to the GATES! Rom 4.3
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose HOPE IS the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but it’s leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will it cease from yielding fruit.” Jer 17.7-8
Psalms 64 👑Daughter, My Love for you is so strong and complete that through them I am cleansing everything in your infrastructure that would collapse under the fear of heat (state of national affairs and home-based) or anxious in drought (personal waiting on the Promise)!! My Light IS GREATER than all the secret arrows of Darkness aimed at your “confident HOPE in My Promise”! Arrows have secret schemes of demise, an agenda to not only discourage but destroy. He does it when he gets you to bow to circumstances, pressures, disappointments, or forces of his evil design, hoping to steal, kill, destroy the Promise of FULL Redemption’s Story I have GIVEN to you or those you are praying for!! The enemy’s arrows are out to steal Hope and Confidence, but these two are fully protected by My Son’s Blood to their completion! (Ph 1.6) Today, overcome by sending a reverse arrow from you B.O.W. toward the enemy in “high places” (Ep 6.10-14): Believe-Heb 11.6, Obey 1 Jn 3.24, and WORSHIP Him-Jn 4.23! 👑Daughter, My arrows have been sent with the fragrance of TRIUMPH!!! You are covered with an aroma of Victorious Life! I love love love love love you and am TRIUMPHANT IN YOU!🚩🏳️ “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor ; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim FREEDOM to the captives, and the opening of the prisons to those who are in SLAVERY. . . To proclaim freedom... to comfort ...to give beauty for ashes...joy for tears...new garments...a vineyard (a Garden) that God would be glorified.”
Isaiah 61.1-3 👑Daughter, this is the fast I have chosen for you: to set FREE the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke. (Isaiah 58.6). Worship and cry out between the altar and the porch! Walk the Land for Me and declare once again, “who the Son has set FREE is FREE indeed”! Your position as Priest is to comfort Me by declaring I came for the lost, to set free the land, to tell all that are thirsty to come and drink FREELY of the waters of life! 👑O Beautiful One, you are My living Testimony of FREEDOM! Your confidence in My faithfulness to make you approved is your Freedom! You live in freedom as you live in relationship with My Son, blameless, coming short in no gift of grace or revelation! (1Cor 1.4-9). Your unity with each other comes from your “first love” for My Son, don’t you see?! O Beloved, come back to your position of loving Me primarily— do not major on the minors for this is the seduction of the world that breeds confusion and disunity! My Love is your fortress of FREEDOM: It perseveres with kindness and without envy, pride, insensitiveness, or selfishness. This Love Freedom doesn’t rejoice in wrong, only truth; bearing, believing, hoping in all things! Love NEVER FAILS, that is why it is freeing! Freedom is not found in a formula It is a dimension of strength found in relationship with Me! Freedom doesn’t rely on giftings or titles, only by “resting” in Intimacy! (1 Cor13.4-8) Remember, it is for freedom’s sake I have set you FREE!! Humbly SERVE with My Banner of Life waving from your heart! Weep-Worship-WALK-Wave— You bring My pure Heartbeat to the land! Slavery-one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence. Chattel/connected to the land as property. 👑Daughters, you are My Fragrance of FREEDOM, you walk with influence— in the home, a neighborhood, or business, church, city, state, and nation! I know the days here on earth are short. The land knows its days of “slavery” are numbered also! The dark altars are speaking to the slavery in the land, of oppression, desperation, and circumstance!! I am looking for one who will cry out My Name on behalf of Her Freedom! 👑Daughters of Zion, what is the “slavery” of your land which you stand? (Oppression, pride, lawlessness, shame, no vision, unrest, hopelessness, recklessness, human sympathies, etc). Where are the roots? Where are these dark altars tied to? I see, I see, I SEE! I hear, I hear, I hear the prayers of the saints! On your knees is where you too will see with clarity!! The NEED is from sea to sea, so WORSHIP AND PRAY Daughters, for an AWAKENING to set souls FREE! There are all types of “slavery” buried in the land, seek My Face for Vision that will liberate! Repentance through humility and by My Son’s Blood must be before FREEDOM reigns! “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locusts has eaten. . . You shall be set free and praise the name of the LORD, who has dealt wondrously (miraculous) with you; and My people shall never be put to shame.” Joel 2.25-27 There are holy watchers in heaven
They want to know the holy mountains The holy people, and their holy moments Holy moments, you are quiet and still You don’t open up your mouth, you are still Holy moments, your soul is quiet and still Your mind becomes the mind of Christ Holy moments, your body is healed There is no pain, you can stand still Holy moments, are here, you see Holy moments, are just for thee Holy moments are what I am looking for Holy moments are in My heart Holy moments come quickly, you see Holy moments are inside of thee Holy moments are what they look for Holy moments are at the threshing floor Holy moments are in this hour, you see Holy moments are just for Me They are for Me, you see, for no one else I look to see the holy moments The watchers watch closely at thee They want to know what is inside of you They want to see what is inside of thee Holy moments are what they are looking for Holy moments, open up gates, you see Holy moments, open them wide for thee I come this day to let you know and begin to say There are holy moments that I want this day “Those that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Is 40.31
👑Daughter, I love the process of your obedience!!! Process cannot, must not be shortened. It is messy and troublesome but the result is soul-deep BEAUTY!! Let process run its course, even when you desire to skip to the end. I am creating in you wings that will SOAR with quietness, boldness, confidence, and assurance! Obedience is not made in a moment: but a process connected by countless moments!! ( so was My Son’s- John 12) It is like the corn of wheat that falls to the ground and dies so it may live in resplendent joy! O the PURE WORSHIP created in the “backward-forward” of living the process of resolute!!! O Beloved and Precious, how I LOVE YOU, hear you, never leave your side, and see you beautifully complete!! Your tears during the “process” isn’t a sign of a faith deficit but the signature of obedience-in-the-making! Even My Son’s obedience to the Cross, that set you FREE, was the closing parenthesis of a long process, not a sudden or one time decision. I am SINGING OVER YOU THIS DAY! I am delighting in your countless moments when you reconfirm your decision to follow Me! I have seen every one of them!! They are written with golden ink in My Book of remembrance! Your journey to “soaring” has seemed long, but there will be a time you will see the great value of your Testimony. The testimony that overcomes is a testimony that WITNESSES to the broken world! This Process enables you to comfort from an unsurpassable Strength and comfort of Love! 2 Cor 1.3-5, 3.5-6, 4.16-18 👑Daughter, it is OK to wrestle..... and feel messy at times. My JOY is assured over and over again during your process of Resolute! This Testimony carries a fragrance all its own! Its aroma speaks LIFE unto life! Its laughter is PURE! Its Hope is worn like a CROWN! Its Peace is seen and experienced by all who it comes in contact with! Its scepter holds authority! 👑Daughter, you see your wings as “clipped” but I SEE THEM SOARING! I love you with a steadfastness that if you could comprehend, it would shake the world 🌎! SOAR today with your eagle wings; they are just right for the day! Soar as you Praise My Name!! SOAR as you walk by Faith and not by sight! Soar every time you declare My Name to the Darkness! Soar as you walk the walk and pray in the gap! Soar on your Journey of Obedience! I AM HERE!🏳️🚩 The song of the Lamb, saying: “Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God Almighty!
Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints! Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, For Your judgements have been manifested.” After these things I looked, and behold , the temple of the TABERNACLE of the TESTIMONY in Heaven was opened!” Rev 15.3-5 👑Beloved, Beloved let Me reveal the Tabernacle of your Testimony!! Your Tree in the Garden is one of great Testimony— it worships and witnesses! Your testimony is ETERNITY sitting and walking amongst us! When you house testimony you have made Covenant your home! It becomes the TREE of LIFE!! It is your tent of witness!! O the glories upon glories of Living Testimony! Testimony IS Redemption’s Song BREATHING inside you! The Tree of LIFE in the Garden!! 👑Sons and Daughters, My desire is for you to see, handle, and witness Eternity NOW so your testimony breathes with Life! Spirit Testimony: Overcoming Life, Glory-filled, Fiery, Soaring, Energized, Illuminating, Purified (1 Jn 3.1-3), Impregnated with Covenant, Heavenly Fellowship (1 Jn 1.1-5), and Fully Surrendered! Beloved, I am teaching you of this TREE of Testimony but it only thrives in one posture; My “finished work” and “being still and knowing”! It is leaving all independence and clinging to total dependence!! O Beautiful TREE— tabernacle with Me! Testimony IS the OVERFLOW of a transformed Life RECEIVED! Testimony IS the WITNESS of Jesus Christ overflowing and OVERCOMING in you! 👑Daughters, continue to live in the LIFE of the TREE, with Witness and Testimony! Step into Me-— Life unto abundant Life! Testimony does not live an “edited” version of life, stepping away from the Tree into a pseudo self-protection but Testimony CHOOSES, EMBRACES, LEANS, ESTEEMS, ENDURES, is FEARLESS, VALIANT, REACHES, and is RESOLVED! (Hebrews 11.6-40) The Tree of Testimony and Witness WORSHIP The Lamb! The Spirit and the Bride are married, both saying, “Come!” They are dancing under The Tree! O the LIFE that is in the Tree of Testimony, Worshipping Me!🙌🏼🙌🏼 (1 Jn 5.6-12 and 2 Cor 3.4-6) “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will NOT LEAVE you until I have done what I have spoken to you. Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “For certain the LORD is in this place, and I was not AWARE of it.”. . . How awesome is THIS PLACE! . . . This is the GATE of heaven!” Gen 28.15-17
Aware: having realization, perception, or knowledge. Cognizant. Surety. 👑Daughter, My AWARENESS of you is beyond your comprehension! It goes beyond, beyond. In fact, I must continually REVEAL WHO I am to you, how impartibly close I dwell, so that you may endeavor to grasp My Promises and Love for you! When you begin to recognize My Awareness, you are then able to adopt and formalize intimate relationship with Me! Awareness is a Garden Path. It is hidden to the naked eye but found to the one who comes early to smell My roses. Awareness is on a narrow path, the one with dew! Stillness and rest and a deep well are found on her path. I call, you answer! I desire you to know I AM THERE! Because of The Fire of Awareness, “You are a garden enclosed, a spring shut up, a fountain sealed, an orchard of fruit“!! 👑Beloved, I speak by Fire, in dreams, visions, and revelations always remembering Covenant!! I hear your cry and remember covenant! I know your bondage and remember covenant! I feel your pain, sorrow, and remember covenant! I understand your vulnerability, insufficiency and remember covenant! I created YOU with plan, with purpose, remembering covenant! I know your intents, your thoughts, your doubts, your waywardness and remember covenant! I understand. I am NEAR. I cleanse. I walk with you on the “water” and on the “land”. I REVEAL WHO I AM to the inner most places of your heart because of covenant! I AM AWARE, intimately know your path, I started this good work and will successfully complete it! I am AWARE of all that is IN YOU, around you, apart of you! (Ph1.6) 👑Daughter, as you begin to carry Covenant your face becomes radiant! (Ex 34.29) It is expedient as Priest that you dwell in the Secret Place where I may wash your feet! You MUST STEP INTO THE WATER 🌊 so that I may thoroughly and continually wash the sand off your feet! I make you AWARE of your sin, so you may confess it, and then I wash you! (Lev 4 and 1 Jn 1.9) 👑O Priest and Prophets, I need you to walk in AWARENESS, like the wise virgins who kept oil in their lamps! Awareness comes from the continual dripping of Oil provided by the two Tree that Witness My logos and Remah Word! Drip. Drip. Drip. Dripping with the Fire of Awareness! You must walk acutely AWARE, “alert and sober”, to the going on around you. Awareness does not fall asleep at the eleventh hour but is ALIVE, PREPARED, INTIMATE, SEEKING, and SEEING at the Gates WITH BANNERS! 👑Daughters, Awareness of Me IS your Crown of identity! Only through Firey Awareness are you able to walk in a true posture of humility! Awareness IS Worship! Awareness wakes up intercession!! Awareness is the conclusion of “wrestling”, receiving, and walking in Adoption! Awareness lives seeing the Veil ripped in to! Awareness to My Spirit IS the New Wine in new wineskin! Awareness brings REVIVAL, FREEDOM, HEALING, RESTITUTION! It is through My AWARENESS spoken into the atmosphere that dead bones become alive again! 👑Daughters, it is expedient that you live robed in AWARENESS! Awareness IS Holy Ground! ONLY living Awareness can truly take her shoes off!! Awareness seeks repentance! Only by Awareness can you pray, “purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me , and I will be whiter than snow”. Awareness sees brokenness as the acceptable Offering! Awareness is what the Church NEEDS!! AWARENESS sees The Cross as THE complete judgement and restitution of sin’s brokenness! 👑Beloved, speak Awareness, Awareness, Awareness into the atmosphere this day! Coast to coast and sea to sea! Church to church and every house! Byways and highways! We speak Awareness of Yahweh at every Gate! Awareness SEES yourself, the Living Temple, partaking of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb NOW, it is who we ARE, a continual crowning of our truest identity! ----Great and mighty, great and mighty Gates are opening up for thee Mighty, mighty, mighty is My plea I am sending them from everywhere, everywhere, you see I have come to rescue thee I will send them from the north, from the south, from the east, from the west I will release My heavenly host, you see, and they will come and rest Oh, they will rest on thee, they will give you what you need -------------------------------- I heard your prayer, your prayer that day I heard your prayer, I heard your prayer in every way, I heard your prayer And now I want you to see I have answered thee I will send help, you see They will come from every place I will do it in this day Help is coming, it is coming you see Don’t grow weary, don’t grow tired, stay there in Me Come up the mountain and do not flee Come up the mountain and know it is Me Don’t hesitate to come up this mountain this day You must come up the mountain, that is what I say Come, come, come quickly, you see I am have opened the doors, the gates for thee Come quickly, don’t be surprised by what I am doing this day I wanted you to know I answered your prayers in every way Press through, press in, press on every side I am bringing help from everywhere, you will see, do not hide I come this very day, this very day unto thee To tell you that I have heard your prayer And now you must see Come, come, come, come, come this very day Rejoice and worship and know that it is My way Rejoice, I say rejoice, rejoice this day Rejoice I say, rejoice, and I will show you My way Holy, holy is He who comes to tabernacle with thee Holy, holy you must be if you tabernacle with Me Come up the mountain, do not flee Don’t hesitate, don’t linger, come up now, come I say, come I have a crown, a crown that I will give thee, one of authority Speak what I tell you to speak, do not hide from Me Speak as I have spoken, speak clearly this day I will show you another way Come, come, come, come quickly, you see So that you can see what is inside of Me Come, come quickly, come quickly this day Don’t hesitate, don’t linger, come and stay Abide with Me, hide with Me I am waiting so you can see, I am waiting on thee I am coming down like fire, I am bringing fire from heaven And I am looking for those who will cry out to Me And those who WILL make the plea I am answering the prayers, I told you this day I told you I would answer your prayers in every way I see what you do not see I will reveal things you have never seen before I have opened up this Grace Door This Grace Door that you see, this Grace Door is from Me Do not hesitate to walk, I told you that you were going to walk through a gate I told you to walk through that gate Now that you are in that gate, you see You have obligations to Me You have things you must do this day I will not tolerate you lingering another day and in another way You will rise up, you see, and you will take your rightful place in Me I have called you this day, and I am showing you the way I am going to open up another door, you see One that you could not open, but I will open it up for thee I have chosen you before the foundation of the earth I am the One that brought each one of you new birth I am the One that will stand this day I bring My sword and I stick it in your land, and I will make a demand I command this land to give up, you see I will wash the defilement that came against thee Oh do you not see, do you not see this day I have heard your cries you have been praying year after year, day after day I have seen tears, tears upon this altar Do you not think I would not respond to thee? Do you think that I would forget My plea? Oh no, I have not forgotten thee I told you I would come, you see I will bring healing you have never seen before I will come to your threshing floor I will bring down fire, you see Heaven will know that I have come to thee Why have I chosen you this day? There is nothing inside of you in any way I am bringing it because of Me The Kingdom of God will come down, you see I am the One who has chosen this way Now I am telling you this very day Walk in My ways, walk in My ways Do not depart from My ways this day Do not depart, depart you see I have come and I have answered thee I will do everything I told you in the chosen fast I will do it and it will last It will not be for one day, you see I will bring revival for years to thee Oh, these are My chosen ones I cry out to thee, come My sons and daughters and hear My plea I have chosen you this very day Bow down and know that I heard you say I am here, I am here today I came to declare Myself before you You will say, I will wait until the fast is ended No, I didn’t wait until you were at the end of your fast I saw your obedience in your heart, I knew you would last Continue, continue, continue this way Continue, continue, continue I say Don’t back down from the mountain this day I needed to come to you today so you can make it all the way Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t back down this day Persevere, persevere, persevere Endure, endure, endure Don’t back down, don’t back down, don’t back down You must all go up together, together One has to pull the other one up You all have to go up together -------------------------------- I have answered your prayer, I have declared I declared this altar, you did not declare it, you see I made this altar what it is, and it has authority And I have called you as My priests to serve this day That is why you must be holy in every way I am the One that called you here, you see I am the One that called you to be I am the One Begin to call out the priests this day Begin to cry out for them to come back to the altar in every way Let them know fire is at the altar, you see I have shown you fire, fire, fire Fire is at this altar, fire, fire Fire that is going to burn high, high you see My fire will come, it will be known to thee, fire, fire I have chosen this place, and this is going to be My resting place I come to tabernacle with thee I need you to understand what is required of thee I come, I come this day And I will choose the churches I am going to walk among them this very day I will choose them, you see I will choose the pastors And I will have mercy But hear Me this day, pray, pray, pray Pray because I am going to walk through the land And I am going to make a stand My sword is going to be two-edged, you see My sword is going to bring judgment and revival to thee And I will bring judgment to many of My people, you see They have hidden their sin and their iniquity They have hidden it, but I will expose it that day You will see the glory in both ways I bring a two-edged sword, a sword you see That will bring judgment and revival all unto thee Pray, pray, pray, pray I say I will reveal them to you as you begin to pray Pray, pray, pray, I say, pray I will give them to you in a vision of night And I will give them to you in the vision of day If you pray I will reveal to you My chosen ones, you see But I must trust you You must be careful not to judge My people in any way My people are My people Your heart must not be evil in any way Your heart must be pure this very day Do not judge My people! I have called you as priests to serve, you see You minister to Me and I will minister to thee Don’t hold back what I speak to you When I speak I am speaking through Make sure you get My counsel this day Don’t just come and think you can pray What is My counsel that I will give to thee? What is the counsel when I make My plea? I want to dwell with thee Tabernacle, tabernacle, tabernacle, you see Come to the mountain and I will be -------------------------------- Your eyes, your eyes will be as blue as the oceans I will make your eyes as blue, a deep blue I will make your eyes so deep And the depths of the ocean will come through thee Like thunder and lightning, you see Your eyes will be deep and be able to see I will give them to thee I will give you such a deep, deep, deep, deep blue I want you to see in the depths of the ocean To the deep deep sea, from the streams of the river I want to show thee Come, look into My eyes and you will see I will show you the depthness of My heart Deep, deep, deep, deep blue, deep I will give them to you Now, I will settle you in this land But remember what I have spoken to thee, and make your stand I have beckoned you up this mountain, many times you see But today, I wanted to meet thee I wanted your instructions to be clear, you see I wanted you to know what I am doing in thee I will walk your land and I will choose And I will come to you, and I will share My heart Be prepared to hear and listen and do not depart I am with you this day, continue to pray I heard your cry today, I heard it clearly, you see I know what is on your heart, I gave you the heart of Me Now trust Me, trust Me Continue the journey, and I will meet you again And I will show you My heart Don’t depart, don’t depart |
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