Living in His Presence
second 40 day fast
Join with us daily as we enter into the Inner Courts and come together in Unity and Oneness. March 1st - April 9th, 2020
Weekly Prayer Focus
Weekly Audio TeachingCalling Out the Revolutionaries to Pray
I am brining honor, glory, integrity back on the mountain of Zion Raising up an army, I am raising up an army I am raising up an army, says God, filled with character My character, My integrity, My glory Nothing is so beautiful, but to look upon Zion and see To see those who are crying out to Me Those who love Me that are willing to see Me open up the Red Sea Calling, calling, calling those who love Me To understand all of My glory This is My desire, you see Why have I called you together, but to be holy Call out the chosen ones, the revolutionaries that will know My name Call them out, they are hidden in many places, you see Many places inside of My heart, they are hidden in Me But you will see an army that will rise up that is going to know Me And they are going to cry out to Me And I am going to hear them, says the Lord I am going to hear their hearts I am going to hear them, they will not depart Cry out, cry out, cry out for those who have been hidden for many years They have shed many tears So many tears that I have put inside of them, you see So they can cry out on Zion to me I am calling out the revolutionaries I am calling them, this is the hour They will come before Me, and I will raise them up with great power This is My heart you see, that My people will not depart from Me I am weeping and crying, weeping and crying For the time when My glorious ones will stand up and know Me I am calling out the revolutionary, the one that will be radical for Me Oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem rise up this day Mighty, mighty, mighty is God in all His ways Oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem wake up this day God will establish you as we begin to pray
1 Comment
3/1/2020 01:36:07 pm
Is this the file (prayer focus) that's supposed to have 7 pages? I could only view one and the extension is ".pages" so it's not like a document, making it harder to access it. Thanks!!
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First Forty Day Fast 2020 - Psalm 119
Second Forty Day Fast 2020