Forty Day Fast
This is our interactive blog for us to stay connected corporately during our 40 Day Fast.
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January 19
(81) My soul faints for Your salvation, But I hope in Your word. (82) My eyes fail from searching Your word, Saying, "When will You comfort me?" (83) For I have become like a wineskin in smoke, Yet I do not forget Your statutes. (84) How many are the days of Your servant? When will You execute judgment on those who persecute me? Enero 19 Salmo 119:81-84 “Desfallece mi alma por tu salvación, Mas espero en tu palabra. Desfallecieron mis ojos por tu palabra, Diciendo: ¿Cuándo me consolarás? Porque estoy como el odre al humo; Pero no he olvidado tus estatutos. ¿Cuántos son los días de tu siervo? ¿Cuándo harás juicio contra los que me persiguen?”
1/19/2020 04:56:18 am
Verse 82 How often we search the word waiting but forgetting we are in His hands. The letter Kaph Origin for is Hebrew, literally: palm of the hand. We must remember that we are in the palm of His hand. If we seek Him we shall find Him. Don't grow weary.
1/19/2020 07:41:00 am
The Hebrew letter for this section is a KAF or Kaph. It looks like a backwards C. It resembles the palm of our hand, signifying the WORKS OF OUR HANDS. As Christians we are to be active in living out our faith in Jesus Christ before others. We do this by walking in the Fruits of the Spirit.
1/19/2020 01:58:47 pm
Kaph, verses 81-84 Comments are closed.
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