Forty Day Fast
This is our interactive blog for us to stay connected corporately during our 40 Day Fast.
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January 18
(73) Your hands have made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments. (74) Those who fear You will be glad when they see me, Because I have hoped in Your word. (75) I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are right, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me. (76) Let, I pray, Your merciful kindness be for my comfort, According to Your word to Your servant. (77) Let Your tender mercies come to me, that I may live; For Your law is my delight. (78) Let the proud be ashamed, For they treated me wrongfully with falsehood; But I will meditate on Your precepts. (79) Let those who fear You turn to me, Those who know Your testimonies. (80) Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes, That I may not be ashamed. Enero 18 Salmo 119:73-80 “Tus manos me hicieron y me formaron; Hazme entender, y aprenderé tus mandamientos. Los que te temen me verán, y se alegrarán, Porque en tu palabra he esperado. Conozco, oh Jehová, que tus juicios son justos, Y que conforme a tu fidelidad me afligiste. Sea ahora tu misericordia para consolarme, Conforme a lo que has dicho a tu siervo. Vengan a mí tus misericordias, para que viva, Porque tu ley es mi delicia. Sean avergonzados los soberbios, porque sin causa me han calumniado; Pero yo meditaré en tus mandamientos. Vuélvanse a mí los que te temen Y conocen tus testimonios. Sea mi corazón íntegro en tus estatutos, Para que no sea yo avergonzado”
1/18/2020 06:30:50 am
I love how God reminds us where we came from. That He fashioned and formed us; therefore we have the capacity to understand and learn His Word. My cry is that my heart be sound, undefiled to not become dry in my walk with Him.
1/18/2020 08:06:16 pm
Me encanta cómo Dios nos recuerda de dónde venimos. Que nos formó y nos formó; Por lo tanto, tenemos la capacidad de entender y aprender Su Palabra. Mi llanto es que mi corazón sea sano, sin mancha para que no se seque en mi caminar con Él.
1/18/2020 10:33:05 am
Our passage of scripture today starts with, “Your HANDS have made me and fashioned me…” The Hebrew word for hands is Yud or Yodh. The Letter YUD looks like a comma suspended in the air. The HAND of God in our lives is the Holy Spirit, driven by the very life and essence of God.
1/18/2020 07:54:19 pm
Nuestro pasaje de las Escrituras comienza hoy con: "Tus MANOS me han hecho y me han formado ..." La palabra hebrea para manos es Yud o Yodh. La letra YUD parece una coma suspendida en el aire. La MANO de Dios en nuestras vidas es el Espíritu Santo, impulsado por la vida y la esencia de Dios.
1/18/2020 06:11:47 pm
1/18/2020 08:02:59 pm
“Tus manos me hicieron y me formaron; dame entendimiento para que pueda aprender tus mandamientos. . . He esperado en tu palabra ". Sal 119.73-80
1/22/2020 10:42:18 am
God is so good. As I read this first verse I am reminded of the Father’s love for me. It talks about how he has made me and this is so sweet because it is my birthday today. These verses are a cry from my heart. To have understanding and learn His commands all my days. Every day I hope in your word to share your love with others and bring them to you (v.74). In all the hard times: problems with roommates and ministry, stresses from school, I know Lord that you are right and just and faithful (v.75). I am called to serve God and His people and am comforted whenever I read of who God is (v.76). I delight in your law!! Oh that I may live for you Christ and your glory (v.77). Even when people are prideful and hurt me I will come intimately to you God in your word (v.78). Surround me in fellowship and with a community of believers who also delight in your law Lord (v.79). Cleanse my heart God and make me more like you. Less of me. That I would not be ashamed (v.80).
1/22/2020 10:45:39 am
Yes and Amen that should be the cry of all our hearts. Thank you for sharing yours. Comments are closed.
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