Saturday, Oct. 24th: Pray for those that are Single Psalm 32:8
Good morning Father. Today we pray for the great state of Tennessee. Based on Central Church evaluation, this is God's country. Tennessee is unique as it is the only state that has border with eight other states. So we begin our prayer there, that in as much as it touches more states than any other state that its influence of touching others would move from the natural to a spiritual one. Let the church leaders of this state build an altar to God that would unify and touch the lives of others. Let the government officials have a burning desire to return to a place where the God of the mountains truly is the voice of Tennessee. From the heart of the Smoky Mountains, let a resounding sound be given to the rest of the American states that God is calling us back to him. Father, let the land that produces sounds of music both rock and roll and country become a hub for worship to a living God. Father, clear a path and a direction for those of the next generation, that they would have clear vision and a mind to fulfill Your purpose. Let the inheritance we leave be one that is treasured and not one that can be laid waste. We pray this morning, as we join in one accord, to bring this country, once again to a moral relationship that demands truth, honesty and trust. Father, as we have not to trusted one another, this lack of trust also appears in our spiritual lives and we lose the trust we have in You. Help us Father return to our first love and let our attention turn, once again, to You so that trust can be restored. Let us consider Your ways as we build our kingdoms on earth. You warned us that we would work and not have enough built and not be warm but you also said in Haggai 1:8, "Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, says the LORD." Let us build a house to You as we consider the land of Tennessee with its many trees. Let the house not be built with wood or stubble but let us build a house for You to dwell in, not made with human hands but one that Your Spirit dwells in. Father, we are so forgetful and so self centered that we forget that You are our supply. Father, we recognize You have the whole world in Your hands and nothing You desire can be withheld from You. As we close this prayer today, Father, we submit our hearts to You, that America can once again rise to great heights and surpass everything we have done in the past when we turn to You with our whole heart. Father, You have done it before, so our cry this morning is to do it again. Let revival come to our country, do it again. Let Hope come to our country, do it again. Let unity and peace come to our country, do it again in the name of Jesus do it again...amen
Friday, Oct. 23rd: Pray for the Homeless Deuteronomy 10:18;24:19-21
Good morning Father, we pray for South Dakota today. It is home to the Blacklands and Mount Rushmore, the place where images of four former US presidents are carved into the face of the mountain. This place is a place of broken promises. We pray today and repent for the past promise we have broken to others and to You. Father, forgive us for that which we promise and do not keep. We forget as a nation we had a past not only of civil war but as a pioneering nation we also fought against the native tribes that once possessed the land. These fights led to treaties or covenants that we as a nation did not keep. So we repent for our forefathers and ask today that You break the curse of iniquity that runs through our historical veins. We pray for the leaders of this state; that the morals of those who lead would correspond to the word of God and His covenant written as a reminder of the love He has for us. From the mountains to the prairie of this state, God bless America our home sweet home. Let the churches arise with an altar of sacrifice to worship not idols carved in mountains but the God who was and who is and is to come. Father, we pray for the church and its position in leading a people back into true worship. Holy Spirit, guide the heart of the church back to the true covenant established by God. Again we speak the covenant as a reminder both to You and to ourselves that: 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Oh heal this sick land Father, bring us back into a covenant relationship established at Calvary Cross. The covenant sealed by the blood of Jesus that forgave us of all sin and healed our broken lives. Today we again pray for the return America to a right relationship with You and Father, we know You are working on our behalf because of the blood of Your Son. Thank you ahead of time for what you will do and truly we are a blessed people in the name of Jesus... amen. Thursday, Oct. 22nd: Pray for parachurch ministries Acts 15:22
Good morning Father, we enter this day with great anticipation. We mount up with wings like an eagle to come to new heights in our prayers toward You as we enter the gates of thanksgiving. Father, we began our prayers this morning for the nation and for the state of South Carolina. A state that is in the heart of division from long ago and one that we pray can lead into revival and restitution to You. This state holds a sorted history housing Fort Sumter, where the Civil War’s opening shots were fired. We are reminded of the divisive past and pray that we never again experience the heart wrenching loss of a nation divided and at war within our own borders. We pray for the senators, congressmen, state and local officials to raise the bar of expectations and lead us on a course of once again becoming a Godly nation. Father, with anticipation of unity we pray for families in this state, not to be only known for its divided past but to look forward to wearing a new title of one that brought America back to unity again. The South is where family is the center of life and respecting our neighbors is commonplace. Father, teach us again that if we live by the sword we will die by the sword. Violence is never the answer to our disagreements. Father, we so appreciate Your words of wisdom of the Bible and as we come close to You that those words that are written would be a reminder of Your ways and Your thoughts. Let us remember when we were not a country the dictates being treated unfairly. Let us remember that when You saw us struggling in the midst of a civil war, You spoke to us while we were struggling in our blood and You said to live. Let us remember what it means to treat one another with love and display unselfish motives. Let us remember to not bully one another but to sacrifice and fight for each relationship. Let us remember what Your design of the family looks like and no matter the actions of others, we are our brothers keeper. Let us remember not to do wrong and hide it but to come forth with repentance and restoration of that we destroyed. Father, teach us to fight for relationships with one another and ultimately let us fight for the relationship with You. Father, grant us this day our daily bread truly forgive us and protect us from all evil. In The Mighty Name Of Wednesday, Oct. 21st: Pray for Your Neighbors and Neighborhood Galatians 5:22
Good morning Father, I want to start the day once again, thanking You for Your faithfulness. Today's prayer is for the US State of Rhode Island, one of the smallest but most expensive states. Father, in this state we put forth prayers for leadership guidance and directions. We pray for the congressional, senate and federal elected officials. This state is the first state that led away from British colonialism and the fourth to ratify the constitution. Although the smallest state, it has shown the greatest effort, in the past, to change course. Father, lead this state away from the direction they have come and lead us, as one of the first states did, throwing off the cloak of injustice and tyranny. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for wisdom and a desire for them to return to their first love, the love of God. Put us on a course going forward, not of disunity and disloyalty but a place of honoring one another and respecting each others rights. Father, we pray for church leaders to throw off the traditional church mindset and replace it with a radical heart for Jesus. Let the church lead us into a time of worship and understanding. Let the church restart the altar and make the family the center of our time together with You. We pray that we stand in unison, to bring forth a nation that can guide others into an understanding of what true freedom can be. We pray that we don't throw off the cloak of injustice and tyranny without replacing it with the cloak of righteousness and peace. Let the smallest state in the Union become the one with biggest heart for the things of God. I pray for the last to be first and the first to be last. Grant us one more opportunity in this day to seek your face.. in Jesus name amen Tuesday, Oct. 20th: Pray for Colleges and Universities Psalm 94:12
Good morning Lord, Today we pray for the state of Pennsylvania, the home of the Liberty Bell. Father, just as the Liberty Bell symbolizes freedom and liberty, yet it is cracked, so is the liberty of the heart of the people cracked and unusable. We pray for the heart of liberty in each person living in this state. Patrick Henry was quoted as saying, "Give me liberty or give me death". Oh my Father, if we only had that spirit today to ascribe the words "Give me Christ or give me death" in this state. We pray for the blood lines and generational hearts of the founding fathers to once again flow through the veins of the offspring of those who enjoy the liberty paid for by the blood of the ones who went before us. Father, give us liberty to invest in the generation, to come back to a recognition of the liberty offered to those who seek You. Father, today the bell, once again, rings and tolls for the love of a nation that can be saved. Let liberty and freedom ring through the hearts of the leaders in government and the church. Let bell ring a sound that will be heard around the world that your people are returning to You. For whom the bell tolls, Father, it tolls today as your children cry out in unison for liberty of those held in the bondage of sin and death. Let the bell ring for the unborn and those who are lost. Let the bell ring for the sick and shut-in. Let the bell ring for those who are suicidal and those who have lost hope. Let the bell ring for those who suffer injustice, not only by the hands of men but those who are tormented in their soul. Let the bell ring for a nation that will find its way back to the Father. Let them be reminded although the bell no longer rings, its intended purpose was to ring out freedom. Let us be reminded as a nation, though we do not stand in unity, we were created for unity. Unity to ring out the Gospel of salvation and to symbolize true freedom to a world that needs a loving Savior. In the name of Jesus that rang loudly from our beginning foundation...amen Monday, Oct. 19th: Pray for the Unborn Psalm 139:13-16
Good morning Father, today is the first day of a new work week. Father, we thank you for having Your angels look over us throughout the night. I pray we never forget Your protection. Today, Father, we began to pray for the state of Oregon. Oregon is called the most diverse geographical state because of its water ways, deserts, mountains, volcanoes. This state is the heart of the timber industry and has always set trends. Father, we pray for diversity as it relates to the heart of the Father; the ability to live with one another in desperate times. Although this state has a history of diversity, let it not be one that lifts up the name of the enemy. Touch the leaders in this area to again come to a place of having a true heart for the Father. We pray for salvation to reign in this area through its political leaders. Father, turn their hands away from selfish motives and back to the heart of the people. Let their government stand among those who truly seek reform and restoration. Father we pray that the church would arise and the enemies of our Lord would be scattered. The time is now, that this state which has a history of being a western culture, take its rightful place, to lead our country back into the mind of Christ. Father, let the diversity swing the churches back to a sincere desire to have a relationship with You. Father, as a nation don't let it be just words spoken but let there be a true move, with action to light the heart of this nation toward the things of God. Father, I pray as we think of the leaders we never forget to pray for the people. Just as the children of Israel, we continue to ask for a king (political system) to rule over us but give us back the true King that will rule our hearts with a spirit of love. Let all the people praise you and let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for You shall judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Govern this nation and bring us back to our knees in this time of desperation. In Jesus name... amen. Monday, Oct. 18th: Pray for Children Psalm 127:3-4
Good morning Father, today we petition on behalf of our nation and the state of Oklahoma. Oklahoma is the neighbor of our great state of Texas and much of what happens there, influences what happens here. The rivalry between Texas and Oklahoma has led to great revivals in the past. The peer pressure of friendship and closeness causes both states to fight for relationship. Oklahoma is know for being a true cowboy culture. This energy rich state leads in so many ventures, that today we begin praying for leadership, in the unity of this great nation. Father, place within the cities of this state another chance for revival. This is true native land and so many of the native Americans occupy this territory. Father, give this nation a desire not for the wealth of the world but let it be for the true riches that do not rust or rot away. We pray for the state leaders, the governor, mayors, judges and we cannot forget the school boards that influence the next generation. We ask that there be a true repentance and a longing for the family structure to be built again on the structure you have designed, the word of God. I pray we never forget the past advancement and that we don't become complacent in our future hopes. Remove from the hearts of your people the motivation that good enough replaces obedience to the Father. I sincerely cry out for an altar to be built in this state that would once again bring attention to the love we have for You. Let the first love that we once had be the guidance necessary to help lead America back to the heart of worship. Let the sweet smelling aroma of true worship capture Your attention that you may once again heal our land. Give us peace, in the midst of our turmoil, to know how to return to the place where we can lift up Your name. Great is thy faithfulness, oh God our Father. Father we pray on this Lords day in the name of Jesus... amen Saturday, Oct. 17th: Pray for Teens Proverbs 2:1-5
Good morning Father, today we pray for Ohio. The meaning of the name of the state is the beginning of this prayer (The great river). From the great river allow Your Spirit to flow throughout this land, to touch all that encounter the Spirit of a living God. We pray for the leaders of this state that they would be sensitive to the voice of God and to flow in the current of the Holy Spirit. Let the church leaders raise up a generation that would flow in unity to accomplish the purposes of God. Let the waters stir us back into the mainstream and avoid the edges that span the Amalekites. Like a great river, let it flow outside it banks and consume the areas around it. Let this great river be a starting point to feed the streams of life that lead to salvation. Let the fertile land that is fed by this great river return to the proper ownership of the people of God. Father, as we flow on this journey, let our eyes be attentive. As with any mighty flow of a river, there are bends and turns that we must be sensitive to. Let us not get so complacent to forget that as we flow as a nation, change is inevitable. With this change, let it be based on biblical principles and not the desires of our heart. Father, rekindle the fires of Ohio and along its banks let life once again begin to give Hope. Let the refreshing waters that once were polluted with division, hatred and death, become the source of living water. Let this living water flow from this state into the surrounding states and let all that touch its bank begin to realize the Hope that fresh waters bring. Father, give us a desire to return and restore what was once given, to fight for the relationship, first, with You and then with one another. Let us once again remember life is precious and given to us so we can give it to others. Grant this prayer in the name of Jesus. AMEN Friday, Oct. 16th Pray for Young Adults Proverbs 3:1-8
Good morning, we welcome You Holy Spirit into another day that we get the privilege to walk the earth and spread joy throughout. Father, today we pray for North Dakota, the land, the leaders and the church. Please hear the cry for this state in the middle of the United States. Today we cry out for an area so rich with history that was well established before the United States was formed, it was formed by the American Indians and was quite advanced in it's heritage. We again repent for the things we did to displace a people and causing disunity in their nation. Father we look to this land full of history and we reflect on the generosity that you have toward us as a nation. As we cry out this morning, touch the heart of the leaders to once again come to a place of full submission to the heart of the Father. Teach us that pioneering spirit that can bring a nation back to a place of it's origin but let it be one that brings unity and not disruption to this nation. Let us not center our attention on what we do not have but give us a thankful heart for what we do have. Thankful for the rich history we have, thankful for the prosperity we have enjoyed as a nation, thankful for our families and loved ones that we get to be with each year. Thankful for the blood of Jesus that supplies the grace necessary to accomplish all that is in our hearts. Thankful that we will not depart from you all the days of our life and that a covenant that is established will keep the generations after us in a full knowledge of who You are. Thankful that as we prayed yesterday for Nancy and Keren that there are those who love us enough to stand for us when we cannot stand alone. Thankful for the love we have one for another and that we as a people continue to humble ourselves that as with Sodom You will not destroy us if there are but 5 righteous. Father thank you for the privilege we have to petition the heavens on behalf of our nation and that you hear our prayers. We again thank You for the soul cleansing blood of Your son. In Jesus name...amen Thursday, Oct. 15th: Pray for local government officials Leviticus 19:15
Father, we thank You for this day of opportunity as we begin another day that You have made. The bible says this is a day the Lord has made and we take that into our hearts that You have made this day and no one else. The prayers today for the state of North Carolina centers on the fact in this day You have sent forth leaders to do Your will. On this day, on the shores of North Carolina, christian men and women will wake up with another day to proclaim Your name and to repent for our actions against You. Father we pray for the direction of those leaders in this state on the east coast. That the sound of unity would guide them through each moment of the day. We pray for the governor and the officials in every branch of the government. This day we pray, in this bible belt state, that a true knowledge of who You are and the purpose of the United States could be realized by all within her borders. We pray for peace in the land from depression, anxiety and loneliness. I pray that You, forever, release us from the bondage of our minds throughout this state and every state in the union. Father we pray that You restore in us a steadfast spirit. Show us the way, Father, to guide our next generation into the accomplishments in You, that we were not able to walk in. Father, remind the next generation of the promises that You have for them. Father, don't let us forget the promises You hold for us. Thank you for this state and the contribution that it makes as being part of a unified nation. We bless, thank and seal this prayer in Jesus name.. amen |
50 Days Daily Prayer Points