Tuesday, Nov. 3rd Pray that God’s people will honor the Lord in all things
1 Chronicles 16:27 Good morning Father, it is Election day in the United States. We pray for peace as many brace for rioting and destruction. We raise up the banner of peace and love over this nation. We pray for the heart of the people to respect the rights of one another and that we truly love our brother as ourselves. Am I my brother's keeper, are the words uttered when selfishness replaces the choice we make. Let us know the answer, as it was on that day, that we are not our brother's murderer. Let violence not enter into the mind or the hearts of a land that demonstrates true democracy. We pray that we learn to live with the choice of God to lead our nation and that there are decisions, greater than we see, that lie at stake today. Let both leaders not stir unrest but allow stability to reign in our neighborhoods. Let no name be lifted up today that will cause division or dictate hatred. Let us be guided by the Spirit and not by the flesh. Let our hearts be turned toward the words that Jesus said, "Peace I give into you not as the world gives but peace that surpass all understanding." As a praying group let us stand in one accord lifting a banner of love over our nation and not be moved by the heart of the enemy. We will not fail, as the walls have been built and we stand today on a firm foundation. Help us to see and not react. Help us to hear and not forget. Help us to taste the reality of freedom and not slumber in the recesses of tyranny. Let us smell the goodness of a nation, not divided, rather than the stench of separation and fighting. Let us touch the heart of one another with kindness rather than think about the selfishness of having our own way. In the words of Jesus we pray today, "Nevertheless Father let your will be done..." in this election cycle and many more to come as we stand in the land of the brave and free. Let peace reign today King Jesus as we mark our ballots to not an earthly man but to a sovereign God. Thank You as we have been before you these 52 days; let not our prayers go unanswered as you stated that if we ask Anything in your name..in the name of Jesus we ask these things.. amen As an added note today for Election day today, pray for peace no matter the outcome. Our King has already been elected and the votes were counted some 2000 years ago and the verdict has been decided and there is no uncertainty who will lead our nation. There are no swing states and there will be no tie.
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