The Wall
Rockwall House of Prayer
24/7 Prayer & Worship
2724 Remington Dr.
Royse City, TX 75189
Royse City, TX 75189
“Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, In whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God lives in the Spirit.” Ephesians 2: 20-22
Mission: To provide a place for God’s people to gather as a community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to lift up praises to His holy name and to lift our requests to the throne room of Almighty God. The body of Christ will be strengthened as we build the wall of prayer upon Christ Jesus, the chief cornerstone, through a simple ministry of prayer and worship.
The Gathering
"Gather all Israel to Mizpah (place of watch/prayer) and I will pray to The Lord for you” I Samuel 7:5
"Gather all Israel to Mizpah (place of watch/prayer) and I will pray to The Lord for you” I Samuel 7:5
How it works:
To build the walls of prayer in Rockwall we need the children of God to come together as they did in Nehemiah’s day, with each person taking their place to build what the enemy said was forever broken. Our enemies say we can’t be unified—Jesus says we must be. Churches, ministries, or individuals can partner with us by signing up for a time in the prayer room by providing a worship leader or team for 1-2 hours per week. “The Wall” is also working and praying hard to raise up its own worship teams who can fill prayer and worship slots until we reach our goal of live worship with prayer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During hours when there is no live worship, recorded worship will play so the prayer room can remain open as much as possible. Visit our website or Facebook page to see the prayer room hours. |
Prayer and Worship Night
Mondays 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Fridays 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Mondays 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Fridays 4:00pm - 6:00pm
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why 24/7 prayer and worship? A: Five reasons…
Q: Why have covenant partners? A: Because Jesus desires and commands unity. Lack of unity offends the heart of God, and pursuit of unity honors Him. We believe God will smile upon this city and pour out more of His grace as His people become more and more unified under the headship of His beloved Son |
Q: Why Rockwall, why now?
A: We believe Rockwall is uniquely situated to do much for the Kingdom of God. With many strong churches, mission organizations, and a strong prayer heritage, Rockwall is a community that is primed and ready to impact the immediate area, and even the world, for the glory of King Jesus! As we gather together to pray, we believe the Lord will respond and move in greater measure than ever before in our families and in our churches. We believe Jesus wants to make Rockwall a place for His glory, and that through prayer we can hear His heart and be used to “tear down every lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:5 |
For our full calendar, upcoming events, and more—visit us on the web at:
To sign-up to participate in a worship set or for more information, contact us at:
[email protected]
2724 Remington Dr.
Royse City, TX 75189
We are located on HW276, eastbound between FM 549 and FM 548 intersections.
Take a left onto Remington Drive if heading east (away from Rockwall),
and a right onto Remington if heading west (towards Rockwall).
Royse City, TX 75189
We are located on HW276, eastbound between FM 549 and FM 548 intersections.
Take a left onto Remington Drive if heading east (away from Rockwall),
and a right onto Remington if heading west (towards Rockwall).